PVCs & Magnesium Deficiencies

By | August 11, 2022

Did you know it is estimated that nearly 50% of people have magnesium deficiencies? Magnesium plays a critical role in many of the body’s key functions including:

  • Building strong bones 
  • Relaxing muscles
  • Stabilizing heart rhythm
  • Regulating blood pressure

In addition it also helps brain health and sleep. Since this site focuses on PVCs and irregular heart rhythms, I want to tell you about my experience since taking a magnesium supplement.

I first began taking magnesium about 2 months ago to help with sleep. It’s not that I didn’t get decent sleep, but I would often wake up at least once in the middle of the night, even if for only a few minutes and I want to see if I could stop that.

After taking magnesium before bed for a few weeks, I started to notice a difference. I was only waking up once and generally closer to 5 am, which was fine. BUT! Then I started to realize I was also not expereincing any PVCs and my (self diagnosed mind you) SVTs during exercise have also vanished (SVTs are a sudden rapid heart rate that can last a few seconds to a few hours)! I did some research and quickly realized the amazing benefits magnesium possess and couldn’t believe I was only now just discovering this.

How did I decide which supplement to take? Good question, there are so many out there! Like most shopping now, I went to Amazon and started reading reviews of different options. Then I stumbled on one particular review that really caught my eye. It was from a bio chemist and I found it to be super helpful! You can read the review and buy the product here.

I now recommend magnesium to everyone I know, and I highly encourage you to give it a try if you are experiencing any type of irregular heart rythm, including premature ventricular contractions (pvcs).

Good luck!

One thought on “PVCs & Magnesium Deficiencies

  1. Pingback: Vital Biologics Heart Calm Supplement Review | How To Cure PVC's

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